Cervical Osteochondrosis: Symptoms and At-Home Treatment

Nowadays, cervical osteochondrosis is significantly younger. The reasons are believed to be the improvement of living conditions, a significant decrease in activity ability during work and rest, and the craze of fast food. Even minor physical exertion or impact can cause metabolic imbalance and increase trauma to the intervertebral cervical discs.Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosisTherefore, it is not surprising that there are many requests on the Internet - Osteochondrosis of the Cervical Spine: Symptoms and Treatment. We provide a brief overview of these questions because by their nature they are always individual and can only be answered by a chiropractor or neurologist during an appointment.

Disease characteristics

Osteochondrosis of the neck destroys the discs in the intervertebral spaces. Typically, they have shock-absorbing and protective functions.They are located between the vertebrae and prevent the vertebrae from touching each other. They can compress during walking and more active movements, giving the spine flexibility. Additionally, due to the disc-ligament arrangement, a channel is created for the nerves leaving the spinal cord.When the discs and ligaments are destroyed, the vertebrae begin to rub against each other. Friction can cause neck pain and other discomfort. When vertebrae move closer together, nerves can become pinched and other symptoms can occur in the part of the body responsible for the affected neurons. Neurological symptoms develop.Osteochondrosis can affect any part of the spine, and symptoms can vary. Disc destruction can occur in multiple areas at the same time.The lumbar spine bears greater loads, which means the discs and ligaments here are most susceptible to change. But it is osteochondrosis of the neck that causes the greatest suffering to humans. After all, the main blood vessels supplying blood to the brain pass through the neck, and there are many nerves and nerve endings.Statistics show that the neck area is most commonly affected. Of all the parts of the spine, it is the most mobile. In videos on the Internet you can see how the disease develops and its complications.Cervical osteochondrosis headacheThe symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women are basically the same as those in men. There's a difference: The most common symptom of the disease in women is headache.


Typical causes of cervical osteochondrosis include:
  • Low mobility and lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • Disruption of metabolic processes;
  • Salt deposits, especially in the neck area;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Improper body posture when working at a computer, driving a car, or performing other static activities.
If you are prone to deforming joint disease or salt deposits, your risk increases due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Classification of clinical manifestations

Cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms and pathological treatment are closely related, but complex treatment can only be carried out after a clear diagnosis with instruments. Currently, there are the following forms of expression.

Nerve root syndrome or cervical radiculitis

Radicul syndrome is a medical term that refers to a group of symptoms that occur due to compression of the nerve roots between the vertebrae in the neck. Initially, this compression manifests itself as paresthesia - numbness, tingling, and a "goosebump" feeling on the skin.Ignoring and not treating these manifestations can lead to further progression of the disease. Acute (rapid or delayed) pain occurs and develops into a chronic pain syndrome.cervical vertebraThe presenting features of cervical radiculitis depend on the localization of the degenerative process, i. e. between which vertebrae the nerve root is trapped:

irritant reflex syndrome

Back pain caused by cervical osteochondrosisThe pain in stimulated reflex syndrome occurs between the shoulder blades when the base of the lower cervical spine is compressed.The syndrome is characterized by diffuse, burning pain in the neck, back of the head, or upper back. They occur after sleep, or when movement begins after remaining static in a position for a long period of time. Pain may radiate to the heart or shoulder joint.

vertebral artery syndrome

Temple pain and nauseaSymptoms (and treatment) of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis can present with signs of vertebral artery syndrome:
  • Headache - spotting, throbbing or burning, diffuse;
  • Positioning parts - above the eyebrows, temples, top of the head, and back of the head;
  • The pain is constant but sometimes occurs in attacks;
  • The severity of pain increases after first moving from a static position;
  • People who are frail may experience nausea, impaired motor coordination, dizziness, and fainting;
  • There may be decreased hearing and vision, "rabbit" phenomenon in the eyes, tinnitus, and snoring.
Please note! Often, the only symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are pharyngeal symptoms. These include: pain, dryness, and/or difficulty swallowing. However, the cost of ignoring these symptoms can be huge. These symptoms are inherent to some inflammatory diseases that may develop into cancer.

cardiac syndrome

Cardiac syndrome with cervical osteochondrosisThe initial diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis is often complicated by the presence of a cardiac syndrome in the patient.Its characteristics are:
  • increased heart rate;
  • Attack or persistent pain in the heart is often mistaken for angina;
  • Chest pain may worsen after sudden movement or heavy lifting.
That is why, if angina is detected, an experienced doctor will send the patient for an X-ray of the cervical and thoracic spine, since with a parallel diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, symptoms and treatment at home will be specific.For example, chiropractors are obligated to warn patients that if nitroglycerin or other coronary artery dilation drugs do not relieve "heartache, " then they should not take them more than once in a short period of time. Drinking ibuprofen or ibuprofen combination is enough.
for your information! There is another way to differentiate between a true angina attack and a painful coronary syndrome. With the latter, patients can walk quickly.

mild symptoms


Feelings of nausea and hiccups are the result of blood circulation problems in the brain. Patients often associate this symptom with nutritional errors and begin to limit the amount of food they eat and change their eating habits.Nausea and burping themselves can reduce appetite. All these phenomena can cause a person to start losing weight and the nutritional balance in the body is disrupted.A nausea attack may lead to vomiting, as can vomiting from accidentally turning the head, bending the body, or performing strenuous physical activity. In this case, poor circulation leads to insufficient nutrition of the inner ear and balance center.

suffocating feeling

When the phrenic nerve is pinched in the neck of the spine, a feeling of lack of air occurs. This important nerve is a component of the cervical plexus and regulates the depth of breathing and the frequency of respiratory movements.The patient complains of difficulty breathing on exertion. Shallow breathing leads to a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood, resulting in shortness of breath and, in severe cases, suffocation.At night, breathing may stop, often accompanied by snoring. Nighttime problems can occur if a person lies in an uncomfortable position and the head and neck are not in the correct anatomical position.If these problems are accompanied by poor hygiene in the sleeping room, when the room is poorly ventilated, dusty, and does not circulate clean air at night, patients will suffer from hypoxia. Hypoxia occurs in various tissues of the body, and the patient will feel that he has not rested well after waking up.

feeling of tinnitus

Tinnitus occurs due to problems with the blood supply to the vestibular organs. Its blood vessels pass through the cervical vertebrae of the spine.Disorders in various parts of the inner ear can cause various sound sensations:
  • background hiss;
  • Ringing, squeaking.
The combination of such conditions is often called cochlear syndrome or cochlear syndrome.
IMPORTANT: If a patient experiences these symptoms without consulting a doctor, hearing loss may occur over time.
Patients often believe that such disorders are related to the hearing analyzer itself. This condition can be difficult even for doctors to understand, especially when there are no obvious signs of osteochondrosis.However, when there is a problem with the vertebrae, specific auditory symptoms can occur. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be distinguished by the characteristics of its occurrence, such that a sound is produced when a person remains in one position for a long time.

Throat problems

Often, osteochondrosis is felt only through a complex set of pharyngeal symptoms:
  1. sore throatOccurs independently of food intake, and you can track the difference between the onset of symptoms and sudden movements of the head and neck.
  2. Feeling of foreign body in throatAppear and disappear.
  3. Some people complain of a scratchy and dry throat, a strong unpleasant feeling can arouse the patient's desire to cough. Coughing can cause an increasingly dry and itchy feeling. These symptoms are the result of damage to both nerve fibers and blood vessels.
IMPORTANT: Such symptoms can be observed in the development of inflammation and tumors in the cervical spine area.

vision problems

Vision problems caused by cervical osteochondrosisWorsening of visual function is less common; the condition is more common in people with atherosclerotic lesions in the blood vessels of the head and decreased systemic pressure.The blood vessels supplying the eyes also pass through the cervical spine. Osteochondrosis causes the following symptoms:
  • A "veil" appears in the eyes;
  • Decreased visual clarity and acuity;
  • Black spots or rods appear;
  • Difficulty focusing on specific topics.
Symptoms are not constant. Patients note that vision sometimes worsens and sometimes improves.A unique symptom of osteochondrosis is the inability to influence the state of vision with the help of spectacles, medications and gymnastics. Symptoms can only be eliminated by addressing the root cause of the problem.

loss of consciousness

Impaired blood supply to the brain can lead to loss of consciousness or fainting. This occurs when blood flow to the brain is temporarily interrupted.In this case, clamping does not necessarily occur in the neck; stimulation alone through the vertebral deformation structures is sufficient. In response to this effect, the arteries undergo significant spasm.Consciousness returned quickly. This can be facilitated by changing body position. The unconscious person must remain in a horizontal position with their legs raised. This way, blood from the lower parts of the body will help restore blood supply to the suffering brain.Generally, there are no complications or consequences from this short-term condition. If the blood flow to the brain is more disrupted, consequences are possible.
Important: After losing consciousness, patients must consult a doctor for examination to prevent recurrence.
Cervical osteochondrosis leading to loss of consciousnessAlthough the condition is short-lived, the unconscious person will need to call an ambulance.

blood pressure problem

The presence of cervical osteochondrosis can lead to increased blood pressure. This is especially true for people over middle age and the elderly. This is because the center responsible for blood vessels' response to changes in the external environment is located in the brain, and there is also a problem of insufficient blood supply.This condition is aggravated by the presence of irritating factors in the form of deformed vertebrae. This is how VSD symptoms arise in the context of cervical osteochondrosis. Depending on a person's constitution, a hypertensive or hypotonic crisis may occur. Often, one type of crisis is replaced by another.Massage treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

temperature fluctuations

Temperature fluctuations are not a specific symptom of osteochondrosis. If the body temperature rises, it means that there are infection foci or tumors in the body. The immune system responds in the form of temperature.However, patients may experience warmth or even a burning sensation in the skin in the problem area (i. e. , the back of the neck).When multiple symptoms come together, a person can begin to feel unwell. Deterioration of overall health, decreased mood, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. For patients with severe pain or blurred vision, it becomes difficult to perform daily tasks and engage in productive work activities.
Important: If any discomfort (even if not related to a spinal problem) prevents you from living a normal lifestyle, you should see a specialist as soon as possible to determine the cause of the problem.

disease risk

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is very dangerous because the area affected by it is the most important vascular pathway that provides numerous nerve branches to the brain and spinal cord. All symptoms of osteochondrosis can have a significant negative impact on a patient's health and quality of life.But this disease has life-threatening complications:
  1. Intervertebral hernia is considered the next stage in the development of osteochondrosis. It occurs without treatment. People who suffer from chronic neck or back pain without seeing a doctor get this diagnosis.
  2. Compression of the spinal processes can cause damage and result in radiculopathy. At the same time, growths and osteophytes can form on the vertebrae. All of these threaten the patient with a loss of mobility and sensitivity in the areas responsible for the affected nerve fibers.
  3. One of the most dangerous complications is vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis. This artery supplies important parts of the brain - the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum. When this blood vessel is compressed by osteochondrosis, ischemia can occur in the spinal cord and brain. This condition carries a risk of ending in a stroke.
  4. If the disease is left untreated for many years, the spinal cord itself, which is located inside the spine, can become damaged in the presence of vertebral deformities. The cost of lack of treatment is organ damage incompatible with life.
Neck pain treatment by expertsIf you notice worsening symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, you should see a specialist as soon as possible. Deformation of the vertebrae can cause severe trauma to the spinal cord, which is very dangerous for people.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosisCervical osteochondrosis symptoms and at-home treatment require approval from a treating specialist. This article contains a video of a set of neck muscle exercises that I won’t post. There is a lot of this content on YouTube.However, you should be aware that exercise therapy instructions for this diagnosis prohibit:
  • jogging;
  • perform any jumping movements;
  • Strengthen the muscles of your shoulder girdle and neck with dynamic exercises, especially weight lifting or resistance exercises.
important! If cervical osteochondrosis worsens, suspend symptoms and physical exercise, self-massage, and physiotherapy treatments. Visits to a chiropractor are also prohibited during the acute phase. Rest and medical treatment with painkillers or NSAID tablets and ointments are required.
Folk remedies are not very effective in treating cervical osteochondrosis and can be used as an auxiliary treatment during the rehabilitation stage. Nonetheless, vertebrate zoologists praise leech therapy and categorically do not recommend bee stings; bay leaves can also be helpful.Allergy is an insidious disease that occurs unpredictably, and an acute allergic reaction known as Kunkel's edema can lead to anaphylactic shock and be fatal.Oriental Gymnastics Fights Back PainAmong non-traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, we can recommend:
  • dynamic and static yoga classes;
  • Martial arts, Tai Chi, Qigong and gymnastics;
  • Acupuncture and Su-Jok.
In addition to daily physical exercise, you also need to get rid of bad habits, monitor daily drinking habits and balance your diet. For lumbar osteochondrosis, special morning exercises are also required. The weekly menu should include raw and semi-cooked vegetables, seasonal fresh fruits, fermented milk drinks and everyday dishes.Dietary varieties of natural meat as well as herring or fish from the salmon family should be eaten every other day. Replace coffee and tea with rosehip decoction and natural juices.Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is a long process that does not take months but years. There is no cure for osteochondrosis, but significant relief can be achieved. The results depend solely on the patient, his diligence in following the recommendations and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.


What are the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis?

Cervical osteochondrosis can present with neck, shoulder, arm pain, dizziness, tinnitus, numbness or tingling in the arms, and limited neck movement.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home?

To relieve symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, you can use relaxation techniques, neck muscle-strengthening exercises, massage, heat, and the use of pain-relieving ointments and gels.

What exercises are helpful in treating cervical osteochondrosis?

To strengthen the neck muscles and relieve the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, stretching and strengthening exercises for the neck muscles, head rotation, bending and turning the neck, and exercises to improve posture are all useful.

Useful tips

Tip #1

For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, special exercises are recommended to strengthen the muscles of the neck and back. This will help improve blood circulation and reduce pressure on the spine.

Tip #2

You can use cold or hot compresses to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Cold helps reduce swelling, while heat improves circulation and relaxes muscles.

Tip #3

It is important to monitor your posture and avoid maintaining incorrect posture for long periods of time. Taking regular breaks, stretching, and adjusting your work posture can reduce pressure on your cervical spine.